TEXT: ISAIAH 41:10-13

Thank You Lord, why don’t you lift your
hands to the Most High God give Him glory,
honour, adoration, praise Him, magnify His
Holy Name, He’s worthy to be praised,
adored, worship the King of kings, the Lord
of lords, the Ancient of Days, the
Unchangeable Changer, give Him glory, let
Him hear your voice, praise Him, adore Him,
Magnify His Holy name, worship the Alpha,
the Omega, the Beginning, the Ending, the
One who was, is and is to come, the
Almighty, magnify the One who is called:
Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the
Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace,
worship the Ancient of Days, the I AM that I
AM, the One who lives forever, worship the
Helper of the helpless, the One who can
never dies, thank You Lord, glory be to Your
Holy name, thank You Father.
+Father, we are many here today, please pay
special attention to me.

What a Mighty God we serve
What a Mighty God we serve
Heaven and earth adore Him
Angels bow before Him
What a Mighty God we serve
Thank You Father, we just want to bless
Your name what a great God You are, the
helper of the helpless Hallowed be thy name,
thank You for loving Rivers State, accept our
thanks in Jesus name, in the lives of
everyone of us from the highest to the
lowest do something new, heal the sick, set
the captives free, begin to prosper the poor,
let everyone begin to sing a new song,
thank you Almighty God, for in Jesus Mighty
name we have prayed.
Shake hands with two or three people and
tell them my time is now.

Isaiah 41:10-13
10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not
dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen
thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold
thee with the right hand of my
11 Behold, all they that were incensed
against thee shall be ashamed and
confounded: they shall be as nothing; and
they that strive with thee shall perish.
12 Thou shalt seek them, and shalt not find
them, even them that contended with thee:
they that war against thee shall be as
nothing, and as a thing of nought.
13 For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right
hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help
The Bible says two are better than one, no
matter how strong/rich/influential/anointed
you are you still need help. If you have a
helper you will achieve much more than you
can achieve alone. Everybody needs help, the
best help you can get is from the Almighty
God, on behalf of Almighty God, God will help
you. He can help anybody and everybody.
1. He can help the poor because He’s rich.
Haggai 2:8
2. He can help the weak because He’s strong.
Genesis 17 :1
3. He can help who is nobody because He is
a promoter. 1Samuel 2:8
4. He can help the high because He’s the
Most High. Psalm 91:1
5. He can help the one who thinks he
doesn't need help. 2Kings 4:9-17
No matter how great you are you will
become greater.

1.Divine help will always be on time, God is
never late. Psalm 46:1, Psalm 124:1-7 He will
be there the moment you need help.
1Kings 17:8-16, For somebody here today,
your help will arrive today. In the Name that
is above every other name before you walk
out of here your help will come.

2.He can send help from unexpected
sources. Psalm 24:1, Exodus 17:1-6,
Matthew 17:24-27, John 6:5-13. You will
never beg, from a source you are not
expecting God will send help to you.

3.God can help even when the odds against
you are overwhelming, show the odd that
He’s the Almighty God. Isaiah 43:13, Daniel
3:1-30, Judges 15:11-15 Tide will turn now,
enemies within and without will be put to
shame. God will make a way for you today in
all areas of your life where there seems to
be no way. Every internal enemy in your life
shall be disappointed, God will disappoint
those who think you will die young.

4.God can help you when no one else can
help, John 5:2-9 when no man can help God
will help you. Next time I hear from you you
will be on the high level. Mark 5:2-15, In
verse 20 his destiny was restored. Genesis
18:9-14 What is impossible with man is
possible with God, every impossibility in
your life will be made possible today. When
no man can help the Almighty God will send
help to you.

Revelation 3:20 God can’t help you if you are
not ready to be helped. God can only help if
you will let Him help you. Come and
surrender to Jesus now, He is ready to help
you when no one is. The help of the helpless
is calling you, come and surrender to Him

+Ask God to save your soul and His blood to
wash your sin, ask God to takeover your life
and become your Lord.
+Let’s pray for their salvation, for
forgiveness of their sins and ask God to
wash them clean with His blood.
+Almighty God i just want to say thank You
for Your word and these people that
responded to altar call, please receive them
in Jesus name, have mercy on them, let Your
blood wash away their sins, save their souls,
give them a new beginning, write their
names in the book of life.
+Please Lord, don’t let them ever backslide,
thank You Almighty God in Jesus Mighty
name we have prayed.

+Thank the Almighty God and ask for three
major things you want before December
+Father, on behalf of all of us I say thank
You for the salvation of souls, testimonies,
i’m joiny my faith with theirs deliver
everything they have asked for.
+Make impossibility possible in their lives.
+Reverse the irreversible in their lives.
+Give them a new song concerning urgent
case before they leave.
+Let urgent miracles be delivered to them.
+Let there be collision of testimonies next
year if You delay Your coming.
+We will all be blessed, hands lifted will be
anointed, anything you touch will prosper,
doors will be opened, you will find favour
with God and men, your promotion will be
accelerated, you will be greater, before this
time next year you will be shining.
+By the grace of God you will serve the Lord.
+God will answer your prayer with fire
***Shout a big Hallelujah.
Go in peace, God will go with you.

+Daddy says there’s someone here today, He
said recently you have been dreaming of
graves He asked me to tell you that the
graves are not for you but for your enemies.
+ God said those who are expecting you to
die young will be disappointed.
+God said next time your doctor sees you He
will have a pleasant surprise’.
+The Lord asked me to tell someone that the
project that you considered abandoned shall
be finished.
+God said there’s someone here, your inner
cry is God speak to my case, He asked me to
tell you I will help you.
+God said to someone I will wipe away the
tears from your eyes and i will robe you
with joy.

God bless you
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